
Welcome to Asia Iron Australia Pty Ltd

Asia Iron Australia Pty Ltd is a privately owned resource development group headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. With the vision and financial backing of our Chinese shareholders and the dedication and skill of our Australian management team, Asia Iron is a model for successful Chinese Australian collaboration.


The Asia Iron group’s comprehensive development pipeline ranges from grass roots exploration through resource definition drilling, detailed project evaluation and project implementation. The group holds over 703 square kilometres of Mining Act tenements in the Mid West region of Western Australia, within which it has already defined magnetite and thermal coal resources and identified further exploration opportunities.


Asia Iron’s most advanced asset is its 100% owned Extension Hill Magnetite Project. This project has already received significant Western Australian and Commonwealth environmental approvals for the development of mine, process plant, village, infrastructure, slurry pipeline transport system, borefield, power transmission and shiploading facilities at Geraldton Port to produce and export 10 million tonnes per annum of high purity magnetite concentrate. Sufficient resources and reserves have been identified to support this production rate for at least 40 years.


We have secured long term community and government support for the development of this large, long life project Implementation of the project will be in accordance  with a detailed and comprehensive Project Execution Plan, which we expect will safely deliver the project on time, to quality specification and to budget.
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Asia Iron Australia Forum
Risk Management

Risk Management

Asia Iron Australia (AIA) is committed to establishing an enterprise wide approach to risk management...
Environment & Community

Environment & Community

Asia Iron Australia Pty Ltd (AIA) has taken a proactive approach to environmental aspects in all areas of its operations.
Resource Development

Resource Development

To ensure a sustainable future for Asia Iron Australia; the Geology team continue to conduct exploration activities....
People Careers

People & Careers

We are building an organisation with people who can, will and are allowed to use their brains at work.
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